For students on the Lusophone boat

Are you a Portuguese student at Cambridge? Have you survived an endless visa application? Are you somewhere in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Maputo, or Lisbon, wondering why you can't understand a word in Portuguese, the language you studied for two bloody years? Then this blog is for you. Share your pictures, videos, worries, insiders' tips on accommodation, working, studying, and travelling. And find out that you're not the only one misusing the subjunctive. Wherever you are, document what you're up to. In English or Portuguese, it doesn't matter. As long as you keep in touch!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Oi! Lovely idea, Ana.

Brazil has been great so far, lots of lovely people, so much to do, and great food (mainly "açaí na tigela".. I'm addicted!). Brazilian bureaucracy is a massive headache, and for anyone else coming here (only Antonia and Patrick?), Rach and I might be able to save you a bit of hassle.

Good luck to Antonia who'll be livin' la vida loca in Mexico right now! When is everyone else planning on heading off?


p.s. anyone else interested in creating a subgroup in this blog of Year Abroad gossip (with Manucha's fear of her students returning to Cambridge pregnant or married in mind)??


  1. Olá Matt, welcome on board! Glad to know everything is going well in São Paulo. Keep us posted and send pictures of açaí na tigela (e não só), I'm dead curious.


  2. Meninos e Meninas,

    Já tentei há uns dias escrever aqui mas a minha incompetência em questőes técnicas, como aliás já é hábito, avassalou-me. É triste mas eu enf®ento o problema com coragem e vou continuando a tentar.
    Fico muito feliz por saber que todos os meninos no estrangeiro estã bons, e especialmente com a notícia que o Matt está à espera de bebé (I got that right, didn't I, Matt? I hope you are blossoming, or do I mean blooming? and that you are past the worst of the morning sickness.)
    In Cambridge it is raining (que grande surpresa!) e quando se sai à rua os turistas devoram os indígenas.
    Pronto, duvido que consiga enviar este, mas continuo a tentar. Como dizia a Frelimo em Moçambique, "A Luta continua. A vitória é certa!"
    Cuidem-se. Manucha

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